遗传算法入门(AI Techniques for Game Programming)
posted @ 2009年4月02日 03:12
in AI
, 3674 阅读
《AI Techniques for Game Programming》这本书的第三章是关于一个机器人走迷宫的简单列子,通过这个简单的列子和相应的示列程序介绍了遗传算法的原理与实现过程,整个过程浅显易懂,应该算是一个遗传算法入门非常理想的教材。
Aug 10, 2022 01:50:22 AM
Do you own a router or modem, then you might have heard about the term Internal configuration and router configuration which are very important to do when you first buy a new router or when you have just reset a router. Frankly speaking, there are hundreds of router brands across the world and every one of them has high end router models that have a different configuration process. But the most common thing among the router can be the Internet Protocol which the normal users can access when their router is connected perfectly in hardware configuration.